No Newsletter this week. Have a great Spring Break!


Our Leprechaun Masks!

What we've done this week......

This week we have been readin the decodable book, "Run, Ron". Please have your child read this book to you. The new sight words this week are but & all.  A list of our 50 sight words for the end of this quarter came home this week. It would benefit your child tremendously to practice these words once each evening We practice them daily in class, but some are still hard to remember. We had lots of fun studying St. Patrick's Day this week; rainbows, shamrocks, pots of gold, fun poems, and songs, and best of all, our leprechaun masks with red beard! Check these out in our group picture!


March 20- Early Release day @ 12:03
March 22- Easter Egg hunt
March 25-29- Spring Break
March 31- Easter
April 1st- School resumes

March Birthdays

18th- Jacob
23rd- Alana
If you would like to bring a treat in for your child we are happy to celebrate at lunch (10:40)

REMEMBER: One more week of school! until Spring Break!

Arabella read "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss to the students this week, and they were mesmerized to have their peer read to them! She took the first AR (Accelerated Reading) test of the year and passed with 100%! Great job Arabella, keep reading!
A special St. Patrick's Day treat! Thank you for the yummy, rainbow cupcakes Mrs. Kime!!

Special Day!


On Friday, March 22nd we will do an Easter Egg Hunt! If you would like to help with this event there are many ways to do so! You can donate plastic eggs, individual wrapped items to go inside, or come in to help hide the eggs and help guide students during the egg hunt. We will need some help stuffing the eggs beforehand as well. We will also need help on Friday with dying of eggs in class. If you are interested in helping with any of these fun activities please emails or call us! It will be so much fun!

For a special Easter craft we will be making bunnies out of laundry soap scoops. I have been saving a long time to have enough (years!) but am short by 2. If you have one you could give our class we would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

PBiS Movie Reward

April 4th is the last day of the 3rd quarter so we will be celebrating the excellent behavior of our Wise Little Owls (and the rest of the Kindergarten classes) with a fun reward movie and popcorn! An information sheet came home today with your child, which also asked for items/time to be donated. If this is something you can help with great! Thanks so much for your support! 


What we've done this week.....

This week we have been reading the decodable book, "Sad Dot". Please have your child read this book to you. We went on safari this week and learned about many animals. We talked about how camouflage helps protect them. We talked about endangered anmials. We did some fun animal craft projects. We made "feet" giraffes, monkey puppets, "hand" zebras, and animals pictoramas. Most of our art projects we have put up in the classroom for Mrs. Kime to see.

This week's sight words were one and had. Next week's will be but and all. Please practice these words with your child. Many of the children are still struggling with the previous weeks sight words.

Dear Families,
Mrs. Kime will be returning on Monday. Ms. Rering would like to thank all the parents who helped us in the classroom these past two weeks!

Remember: Monday is picture day!
Friday is wear polka dots day!


March 10th-Daylight savings time
March 11th-Spring Pictures
March 13th-PTO meeting @ 6pm
March 15th-Polka Dot Dress-up day
March 20th-Early Release @ 12:03
March 20th-School Board meeting-6pm
March 22nd-Easter Egg hunt
March 22nd-Teacher Requests available
March 25-29- Spring Break
March 31st- Easter
April 1st- School Resumes

March Birthdays

2nd- Mrs. Kime
8th- Darbie
14th- Zoelyn
18th- Jacob
23rd- Alana


What we've done this week.....

This week we have been reading the decodable book, "The Bib". This week's sight words were; or and by. Next week's will be had and one! Please practice these words with your child. If you would practice all sight words with your child, you will see a great improvement in your child's reading skills. A new sight word list is always available at school!
We also read many Dr. Seuss books this week. Finding a lot of rhyming words. Try some with your child! We had lots of fun on 100's day. We pretended to be 100 years old. We made things with 100 pattern blocks and legos. We made snacks that added up to 100 pieces. We hopped for 100 seconds and we stepped off 100 steps. Fun was had by all! If you check the picture page of the website you can see more of the fun!

Dear Families,
Mrs. Kime's surgery went well, and she will soon be recovering at home. We wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a speedy recovery!!


March 10th-Daylight savings time
March 11th-Spring Pictures
March 13th-PTO meeting @ 6pm
March 15th-Polka Dot Dress-up day
March 20th-Early Release @ 12:03
March 20th-School Board meeting-6pm
March 22nd-Easter Egg hunt
March 22nd-Teacher Requests available
March 25-29- Spring Break
March 31st- Easter
April 1st- School Resumes

100 Days of Kindergarten!

March Birthdays

2nd-     Mrs. Kime

8th-      Darbie
14th-     Zoelyn
18th-     Jacob
23rd-    Alana


Next week we will be studying safari aimals. Watch out for the wild animals coming home!