What we've done this week....

This week we have been reading the decodable book, "Ten Men". Please have your child read this book to you. The new sight words this week are its & said. Please have your child read you the attached list of 75 sight words nightly. It would benefit your child tremendously to practice these words once each evening. These are all of the sight words we will learn this year, and some of them they have not seen yet. We have studied cowboys & cowgirls this week! We took an adorable group photo......Check it out below!! Also, there are some new pictures and video on the 'Pictures' page!
Check out our Cowboy mustaches!

Lost and Found
There are many, many items here at school. If your child has lost an item it very well could be in one of our lost and found boxes at school. Come by some time and check them out, maybe you can find the items that are missing!

Today was our PBiS Movie Reward which was a great success! Nice PBiS behavior owls! PBiS is a program which rewards students who follow the three rules; be safe, be respectful, be responsible. We see our owls following these rules each day, and we have drawings for prizes weekly. We also reward with PBiS Hero t-shirts about once a month, for a student in each grade.



6pm Board Meeting
Carnival Dress-up Day
5pm-8pm Carnival!
Kindergarten Round-Up

5:30pm PTO Meeting
Kindergarten Music Program- Piggy Opera
6pm Board Meeting
No School, Memorial Day
Tide Pool Field Trip at Harris Beach

Last day of school!

What we've done this week......

This week we have been reading the decodable book, "Gus". Please have your child read this book to you. The new sight words this week are your & where. Please have your child read you the list of 50 sight words often. It would benefit your child tremendously to practice these words once each evening. We practice them daily in class, but some are still hard to remember.  We had lots of fun studying Mrs. Wishy-Washy and farm animals this week.

Here is a great video of the Owl Class singing along to the Vowel song! They love this song and said, "Again, Again!"

*Faces are blurred for privacy

NO SCHOOL April 5th!
Teacher work day to work on Report Cards.

Field Trip to the Chetco Public Library Wednesday April 10th!

If you have kids entering kindergarten next year, kindergarten round-up is April 25th!


April 4th-Early Release 12:03pm
April 5th-NO SCHOOL
Week of April 8th- report cards come home
April 10th-Library field trip
April 17th-Board Meething
April 19th-Dress-up Day:Dress Formal
April 19th K-school carnival
April 25th-Kindergarten Round-up

April Birthdays

There are no birthdays in April, May or June!


No Newsletter this week. Have a great Spring Break!


Our Leprechaun Masks!

What we've done this week......

This week we have been readin the decodable book, "Run, Ron". Please have your child read this book to you. The new sight words this week are but & all.  A list of our 50 sight words for the end of this quarter came home this week. It would benefit your child tremendously to practice these words once each evening We practice them daily in class, but some are still hard to remember. We had lots of fun studying St. Patrick's Day this week; rainbows, shamrocks, pots of gold, fun poems, and songs, and best of all, our leprechaun masks with red beard! Check these out in our group picture!


March 20- Early Release day @ 12:03
March 22- Easter Egg hunt
March 25-29- Spring Break
March 31- Easter
April 1st- School resumes

March Birthdays

18th- Jacob
23rd- Alana
If you would like to bring a treat in for your child we are happy to celebrate at lunch (10:40)

REMEMBER: One more week of school! until Spring Break!

Arabella read "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss to the students this week, and they were mesmerized to have their peer read to them! She took the first AR (Accelerated Reading) test of the year and passed with 100%! Great job Arabella, keep reading!
A special St. Patrick's Day treat! Thank you for the yummy, rainbow cupcakes Mrs. Kime!!

Special Day!


On Friday, March 22nd we will do an Easter Egg Hunt! If you would like to help with this event there are many ways to do so! You can donate plastic eggs, individual wrapped items to go inside, or come in to help hide the eggs and help guide students during the egg hunt. We will need some help stuffing the eggs beforehand as well. We will also need help on Friday with dying of eggs in class. If you are interested in helping with any of these fun activities please emails or call us! It will be so much fun!

For a special Easter craft we will be making bunnies out of laundry soap scoops. I have been saving a long time to have enough (years!) but am short by 2. If you have one you could give our class we would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

PBiS Movie Reward

April 4th is the last day of the 3rd quarter so we will be celebrating the excellent behavior of our Wise Little Owls (and the rest of the Kindergarten classes) with a fun reward movie and popcorn! An information sheet came home today with your child, which also asked for items/time to be donated. If this is something you can help with great! Thanks so much for your support! 


What we've done this week.....

This week we have been reading the decodable book, "Sad Dot". Please have your child read this book to you. We went on safari this week and learned about many animals. We talked about how camouflage helps protect them. We talked about endangered anmials. We did some fun animal craft projects. We made "feet" giraffes, monkey puppets, "hand" zebras, and animals pictoramas. Most of our art projects we have put up in the classroom for Mrs. Kime to see.

This week's sight words were one and had. Next week's will be but and all. Please practice these words with your child. Many of the children are still struggling with the previous weeks sight words.

Dear Families,
Mrs. Kime will be returning on Monday. Ms. Rering would like to thank all the parents who helped us in the classroom these past two weeks!

Remember: Monday is picture day!
Friday is wear polka dots day!


March 10th-Daylight savings time
March 11th-Spring Pictures
March 13th-PTO meeting @ 6pm
March 15th-Polka Dot Dress-up day
March 20th-Early Release @ 12:03
March 20th-School Board meeting-6pm
March 22nd-Easter Egg hunt
March 22nd-Teacher Requests available
March 25-29- Spring Break
March 31st- Easter
April 1st- School Resumes

March Birthdays

2nd- Mrs. Kime
8th- Darbie
14th- Zoelyn
18th- Jacob
23rd- Alana


What we've done this week.....

This week we have been reading the decodable book, "The Bib". This week's sight words were; or and by. Next week's will be had and one! Please practice these words with your child. If you would practice all sight words with your child, you will see a great improvement in your child's reading skills. A new sight word list is always available at school!
We also read many Dr. Seuss books this week. Finding a lot of rhyming words. Try some with your child! We had lots of fun on 100's day. We pretended to be 100 years old. We made things with 100 pattern blocks and legos. We made snacks that added up to 100 pieces. We hopped for 100 seconds and we stepped off 100 steps. Fun was had by all! If you check the picture page of the website you can see more of the fun!

Dear Families,
Mrs. Kime's surgery went well, and she will soon be recovering at home. We wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a speedy recovery!!


March 10th-Daylight savings time
March 11th-Spring Pictures
March 13th-PTO meeting @ 6pm
March 15th-Polka Dot Dress-up day
March 20th-Early Release @ 12:03
March 20th-School Board meeting-6pm
March 22nd-Easter Egg hunt
March 22nd-Teacher Requests available
March 25-29- Spring Break
March 31st- Easter
April 1st- School Resumes

100 Days of Kindergarten!

March Birthdays

2nd-     Mrs. Kime

8th-      Darbie
14th-     Zoelyn
18th-     Jacob
23rd-    Alana


Next week we will be studying safari aimals. Watch out for the wild animals coming home!

Mon.Feb 25-Book Fair 
Wed.Feb 27-100s Day!
Thurs.Feb 28th- 6pm
Dr. Seuss Night!
March 25-29-
Spring Break


We are running short on help in the classroom and could use a few more hands...if you can help in class 1 hour a week, please let us know. Thanks!

What we've done this week...

This week we have been reading the decodable book, "The Nap". Our new sight words this week were they and be. We studied presidents most of the week, and briefly touched on dental health. We are working on our writing every day, and the more practice the better. Encourage your child to write anything and everything they see and think. Copying words from around the house, or out of books is an easy way for them to practice! Next week we will be studying Dr. Seuss!

Dear Families,
Throughout this school year I have been battling with a thyroid condition, as well as a parathyroid lesion. It has taken a toll on me, making me sleep longer hours, without the benefits of feeling rested among many other symptoms. I will be going out for surgery on Tuesday, February 26th, and will be out for recovery through March 8th. During this time Mrs. Kerr will still be in class, and our sub will be Ms. Rering as she has subbed most days I have been out this year. Please feel free to talk with Mrs. Kerr or Mrs. Rearing about any concerns while I am out. Thank you for your patience and understanding, it has been a rough year health-wise, but I know I will be feeling better as I recover. ~Mrs. Kime

Next week is Hundreds Day!!

We will be celebrating 100s Day on Wednesday, February 27th by dressing up as 100 year old people. Please help your child to find something to wear if they choose to participate in this event, it should be lots of fun! We will spend our day surrounded by 100s activities.


What we've done this week....

This week we have been reading the decodable book, "Sam and Matt". Our new sight words this week were with and his. We studied Valentine's Day all week, looking at the human heart and what it does for our bodies on an online program called BrainPop, we made all kinds of fun crafts, we did some fun stretches in PE and even learned how to do a wheelbarrow walk, among many other things! Next week we will be studying dental health and presidents, oh so fun!

Dominik, Alana, Hauna & Arabella all knew every sight word at the end of the 2nd quarter! Nice job owls, you have obviously been practicing, and this is exactly what you need to read, read, read!!

Lizzy, Hauna & Sadie have now written to 1000! Great job girls!!
To our wonderful classroom volunteers: Thank you to those od you who have been able to come in and help with art, (and whatever else we ask of you!), it hass been a rough time for all with illnesses, and for us in the class as we have had changes in our schedule that were unavoidable. We are now teaching art at 11:20-12:00. I am sorryif this time doesn't work for you, but we would be happy to have you come in at another time to work with kids, or doing other prep items, call/email me if interested or need to discuss. Thanks! 


Mon.,Feb 18-No School-
President's Day
Wed.,Feb 20-Early Release
Thurs.,Feb 28th @ 6pm-
Dr. Seuss Night!
Wed.,March 20-Early Release
March 25-29- Spring Break!

February Birthdays
We have no birthdays in February!

Thanks parents for all the help at the Valentine's Party, and for supplying everything we needed, it was a great success!! Check out the 'Pictures' tab for photos of our class party!

We are running short on help in the classroom and
could really use a few more hands.....if you can help in class 1 hours a week,
please let us know. Thanks!

What we've done this week....

This week we have been reading the decodable book, "Sit, Lil". Our new sight words this week were for, was, and as. We studied dinosaurs, and dragons for Chinese New Year on Monday! We are starting to write our own sentences, and we are doing fabulous with it! Your child has now been exposed to 42 sight  words. Please pratice these sight words at home with your child to help them know them as soon as they see them!

Alana and Benny have both written their numbers to 1000 and got a special treat from Mrs. Kerr - $1 to use in the staff vending machine!

Valentine's Day Party

Please have your child finish their valentines asap so they can bring them in
before Valentine's Day and stuff them in students Valentines boxes, as it is too much for all of them to do it in one day. We will be having an ice cream sundae for our party and will be needing the following supplies:
1 party tub of vanilla ice cream
1 jar of chocolate topping
1 jar of strawberry topping
1 large can of whipped cream
22 paper bowls
22 spoons
Please let us know asap if you can bring one of these items so we don't duplicate. Thanks!


Fri.,Feb 8-Book Orders Due
Thurs.,Feb 14-Valentine's Party!
Mon.,Feb 18-No School-President's Day
Wed.,Feb 20-Early Release
Thurs.,Feb 28th @ 6pm-
Dr. Seuss Night!
Wed.,March 20-Early Release
March 25-29- Spring Break!

February Birthdays
We have no birthdays in February!

Thank you Benny for bringing us 1/2 gallon milk cartons! We could still use a few more for our game we want to make!


We are running short on help in the classroom and could really use a few more hands.....if you can help in class 1 hours a week, please let us know. Thanks!

What we've done this week.....

This week we have been reading the decodable book, "Hat". Our new sight words this week were if, of, and that. We studied winter animals and made a great new book that students will be bringing home soon! We also had a very special day on Thursday where community members got to see what great students Owls are! See more about that below! It was another great week full of sunshine. (:

Thank you to our community, and to Alana!

I would like to express my gratitude to Daryn and Alice Farmer from Daryn Farmer State Farm Insurance, Dr. Doug Walker of the Eye Center of Brookings, Wilder River Pizza, Pepsi Bottling Co., Dutch Bros., Kevin Bane and Kury Radio, and most of all, Alana Hart for honoring me with the Teacher of the Month Award. We wnjoyed a wonderful lunch of pizza, veggies, fruit (thanks Mrs. Kerr!), and drinks on Thursday from the sponsors above. I also received 2 $25 checks which I will use for some new classroom games and materials, and Alana received a Dutch Bros. gift certificate. What a great day!

We had 3 students with 100% attendance in 2nd quarter! Good job wise little owls!


Fri-February 8-Book Orders Due
Thurs-February 14 1:00pm Valentines Day Party
Mon-February 18-No School President's Day
Thurs-February 28 6:00pm
Dr. Seuss Night!
March 25-29 Spring Break

February Birthdays

We have no birthdays in February!

Thank you Benny for bringing us 1/2 gallon milk cartons! We could stull use 6 more for our game we want to make!

Thanks to Melanie Rutledge for bringing us some more Clorox wipes, these are so helpful in class to keep things clean and germ free!

Valentine's Day

Monday a Valentine's List will come home. We will be sending home a box of Valentines with your child as well, as we were given a donation. You can use them or not. (: Please have your child work on them a little at a time and bring them in when finished.