What we've done this week....

This week we have been reading the decodable book, "The Quilt", practicing the "qu" sound. Please have your child read this book to you. That is all the sight words we will have this year. We have been studying the Native American culture this week, including making and eating Indian Fry Bread, making music with Indian drumming, making our own regalia (beaded necklaces), making and wearing patterned headbands, making and using shakers along with the drumming and even reading a tipi in our classroom! Thanks to all the gals in the Indian Education program for an awesome week of education and fun! Quite a few of our students were a part of the Indian Education Program this year, enjoying one-on-one time with an Indian Educator, enhancing their experiences of kindergarten. If your child has any Indian heritage they too can benefit from this program....ask us about it for next year!

Great trip to the movies!

What a perfect day to walk downtown, enjoy popcorn & soda (what a treat!) for breakfast, and watch a fun movie for all to enjoy! Thanks, once again, to a great group of parents who walked with us keeping us safe on our trek, it's so helpful having a few extra hands and eyes! And thanks to Redwood Theater for having us, please give them your appreciation the next time you are there!

Last day change:

Plans for the last day BBQ have fallen through, BUT, no worries, we are still going to go to Kid Town to play and eat lunch.The only difference is that we will bring a sack lunch instead. Please make sure your child has returned their permission slip asap!




11:30-1:45-end of year celebration
Last day of school! Picnic at Kid Town 9:15-11:30! 12:03 release!
Father's Day
KASPER summer day camp begins (ask me more if interested, great fun for kids entering 1st-6th grades!)

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